

Double Subtitles At The Same Time or The Easy Way to Improve Your English

Some people are using subtitles for learning a foreign languages.

Obvious advantages of this method is that you learn a real spoken language, remembering a lot of useful phrases and figures of speech.
And you quickly start to understand the speech of native speakers.
And you choose the study materials yourself.

While using subtitles you often face a problem. When you hear an unknown word, you have to stop the film and look it up in the dictionary.
It takes a lot of time. And your desire may be disappeared.

But the solution is simple!

Just copy and paste the content of first subtitles file to the second. Or vise versa. Doesn't matter! Use any editor (like Notepad).

As a result you get both languages subtitles in one file.
And both languages subtitles at the bottom of the screen like this (Spanish + English):

Double subtitles

Now you won't be distracted from a good film to refer to the dictionary.
Your native language and the translation are at the same time in one place!

No plugins, no extra software.
Just save your money!

1 comment:

  1. Meez07:05

    Hi! Great idea.
    You can easily find a huge amount of subtitles at
